Hey Joe Nobody, You Aren't Invited To These Dating Apps - Bel Viaggio Designs, LLC

Hey Joe Nobody, You Aren't Invited To These Dating Apps

Swipe Left? Swipe Right? How about not swipe at all? What? The ugly truth is that finding love is a commodity. In fact, it’s a luxury today. Are you trying to take steps toward getting engaged quickly through technology? Hey, no one is knocking you. That’s how the world works these days with our busy lives. Side note, our lives are too busy because of too much technology, but that’s for another day. Anyways, many people don’t know that the dating world doesn't completely revolve around Match, Tinder, OkCupid, and Farmers Only. The United States is filled with lots and lots of “important people”, and these people wouldn't get caught with their pants down on free and open dating sites…come on now! After all, a guy that works at the local Domino’s has no business matching with a Reality Star! So where are these Robin Thicke wanna-bees search for love?



Did you go to school at Harvard or Yale? Well, then this app is for you. Sparkology is for the Ivy League-esque scholars and verified grads from around the world. You can only join if you're invited by the site's team or referred by a current member. Guess what else? Guys have to pony up a virtual currency to initiate conversation with a girl.  Oh, and there’s more…the app provides a concierge service that will help’s plan out entire date. This app gets an A+ on our report card.


Luxy is a well-known no-strings-attached app for pretentious, cell-centered wealthy singles.  Its verification process involves evaluating your income to see if you are a fit for Luxy.  Man, this world is shallow.



Raya states that their app is for “celebrities" and “influencers”. And talk about pretentious…you are graded by your overall Instagram influence combined with who recommended you to the app, just like a golf country club. The application process isn't short either. In addition, any attempt to screenshot a profile will get you expelled from the app.

Known past or current members: Kelly Osbourne, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Elijah Wood, Trevor Noah.


The League

This app int really for the rich and famous per say, maybe just for their daughters who happen to also be in a sorority. The app’s algorithm is very strange though where maintains the community’s well-balanced and high-quality status while hiding you from friends, business connections, and coworkers.

The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle actually focus’s outside of the ‘Merica on ambitious European party boys and party girls. It's a strict invite only network based in London who screens their applicants to see if they fit their exclusive community. The cool thing about this app and brand is that they throw exclusive invite-only events for users around Europe.


Do you know of any other exclusive apps that help others find their perfect someone? Let us know via a comment.